Pay Claim 2021

At the end of January, Thirteen initiated conversations with us regarding the pay award for this year. We had received the results from the Pay Survey we sent out to you and were ready to begin negotiations. Thirteen halted talks before they began citing that they needed to understand their year end trading position first.

Despite two months of prompting by Unite, Thirteen still had not brought an offer to the table. We therefore submitted a pay claim last week.

After consultation with you, the members, the following items have been submitted as part of the pay claim:

·         3% increase in pay

·         Covid Bonus Payment (a one off ‘thank you’ payment of £500)

·         Job Security Agreement for the wellbeing of all employees

·         Reduced working time with no loss of pay

·         Increased holiday entitlement (an extra three days)

·         Apprenticeship Agreement

Thirteen have acknowledged receipt of our claim and believe they will be in a position to open discussions towards the end of April as they are still “trying to understand their year end 2021 trading position”.

We will of course keep you informed at every stage of the pay negotiations and will be discussing this at our next Branch Meeting. This will be held via Zoom on Monday 19th April at 7pm.

If you have any further questions or would like to register for the branch meeting, please contact us via email on




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