Our Branch


Our branch was founded in 2003 in order to represent colleagues from many different departments and disciplines. In that time we’ve had some great victories and been able to support workers through workplace disputes, pay negotiations, organisational changes and supply legal advice.

The branch is comprised of members and elected chair, secretary, treasurer and equalities representative. Other representatives have been added over the years who are also elected into position. A full list of branch officer positions, including the current elected people, is below.

Our Meetings


Our branch meets monthly in different venues around Teesside with all members welcome to attend and participate.

Questions and discussion points can be raised ahead of a meeting using our online form or by emailing the branch.

There is also an annual general meeting where the committee and officers are elected.

More information on upcoming meetings can be found in the events section.


Our Representatives


Carl Spender

Senior Shop Steward and Health and Safety Rep

Amanda Brookes

Health and Safety Rep

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Ted McGarrity

Vice chair


Carl Thompson

Shop Steward, Health and Safety Rep, Union Learning Rep, Environmental Rep


Graham Wales

Shop Steward


Sarah Johnstone

Shop Steward and Health and Safety Rep

John Beadnal

Shop Steward and Health and Safety Rep


Josh Saint

Shop Steward


Leah Weatheritt

Union Learning Rep

Andy Millard

Shop Steward and Health and Safety Rep

Steve Wilson

Health and Safety Rep


Darren Hann

Shop Steward and Branch Chair

Nigel Parry

Shop Steward, Branch Equalities Officer, Environmental Officer and Green Rep (TUC)

Paul Sharkey

Shop Steward

Gillian Grazier

Health and Safety Rep


Dave Jones

Senior Shop Steward