General Secretary Candidate Hustings and Nomination Meeting
Date: Wednesday 19th May at 7PM
To: All members of Branch NE/407/12
Len McCluskey having announced his retirement, it is necessary to hold an election in accordance with the Rules of Unite for the next General Secretary
In accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 Civica Election Services; have been appointed to act as Independent Scrutineer for this ballot. They can be contacted at the following address: The Independent Scrutineer, Civica Election Services, Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.
Under the ballot rules our branch is required to hold a meeting during the nomination period 6th May – 7th June in order to determine our nomination for the General Secretary election.
This meeting will take place on Wednesday 19th May 2021
At 7PM on Zoom (please email for zoom link)
Yours sincerely
Sharon Bailey
Branch Secretary