Our Branch

Welcome to our Branch Website. This is a space for Unite members who work for the Thirteen Group. Our Branch name is NE/407/12 and we are part of Unite’s Local Authorities Sector.

We created the website during the first few months of the Covid-19 pandemic as it was becoming increasingly difficult to speak to our members. We will keep you up to date with everything that is happening at work and in the branch via our website and we will send out regular emails too. Here you’ll find newsletters, latest news, surveys on issues that are affecting everyone and you can contact your Workplace Reps too.

We meet regularly as a Branch, via zoom at the moment but when normality is restored we meet in various locations across the three boroughs. We encourage all our members to attend to discuss things that matter to our branch and what is happening in the workplace.

Together we are our Union. Please get in touch.


Our branch was founded in 2003 in order to represent colleagues from many different departments and disciplines. In that time we’ve had some great victories and been able to support workers through workplace disputes, pay negotiations, organisational changes and supply legal advice.


Joining a Union

On average, union members get higher pay than non-members. They are also likely to get better sickness and pension benefits, more paid holiday and more control over things like shifts and working hours. This is because workers join together to negotiate pay and conditions rather than leaving them up to managers.

Most importantly, our branch comes together with colleagues from across the organisation in order to work for a better workplace for all of us.

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“There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve alone.”